


Get started for Free and upgrade to a monthly or annual subscription that meets yours needs when you are ready. All features & capabilities are available on all subscriptions.

5 concurrent runs included in every plan
No charge for extra concurrency or workers as you scale
No charge for users, workspaces, or resources under management
No charge for private agents/workers
No charge for SAML
Enterprise support included

Select the number of runs:

Includes 50 runs
Includes 600 runs, delivered monthly

Scalr only charges for qualifying runs.
Using Terraform Cloud? Compare costs and apply for migration credits.

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Trusted by thousands OF companies around the world

Featured capabilities

Learn more about our key capabilities to help you scale Terraform

Scalr Icon

Remote Operations

Standardize run execution across your organization.

Workflow Icon

Workflow Flexiblity

Deploy workspaces with VCS providers, the Terraform CLI or Private Modules.

Hierarchy Icon

Structure Deployments

Use environments and workspaces to enforce policy and keep code dry.


Role Based Access Control

Use standard roles or create custom roles using 120+  different permissions.

Provider Credentials Icon

Dynamic Provider Credentials

Use OIDC to pass credentials to workspaces

Drift Detection Icon

Drift Detection

Use the run scheduler to automate the detection of drift.

Global Private Registry Icon

Global Private Registry

Use Module Registry to maintain standards across the  organization.

Self Hosted Agents Icons

Self Hosted Agents

Execute runs on your own infrastructure to meet compliance requirements.

Open Policy Agent Icon

Open Policy Agent

Use OPA to prevent security incidents and enforce best practices.

Native Integrations Icon

Native Integrations

Integrate with Slack, Teams, Datadog, and more in just a few seconds.

Global Reporting Icon

Global Reporting

View what modules, providers, resources and more are being used across your account in a single place.

Run Dashboards Icon

Run Dashboards

View your runs at the account, environment or workspace level.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What is a run? What counts as a run?

A run is a Terraform execution (plan and/or apply). Both dry runs (that executes the plan, cost estimation, and policy phases, but not the apply) and standard runs (that actually execute a Terraform apply) count as a run.

Why are run-minutes included? 

All run minutes are pooled across the account and consumed as runs are used. Run minutes are included to ensure that we are able to build out product sustainably and prevent abuse. If you you need more than 10 minutes per run on average, we will happily work with you to ensure your needs are met.

What is flex usage?

Flex usage is any usage (run or run-minutes) that is not part of your monthly quota and that is charged at $0.99 per run/ $0.12 per run-minute.

What if I need to go over my number of monthly runs?

There's nothing to worry about, you can still continue to use Scalr! Any additional Scalr run over your monthly count will be charged at the flex rate of $0.99 per run and billed at the end of your billing cycle.

What if I need more run-minutes than included in my plan?

There's nothing to worry about, you can still continue to use Scalr! Any additional Scalr run over your monthly count will be charged at the flex rate of $0.12 a run-minute and billed at the end of your billing cycle.

Do self-hosted agents count towards the runs/month quota?

Runs executed on self-hosted runners do count towards the runs/month quota, but don't count against the run-minutes quota (ie. platform execution time on Scalr).

How can I pay for Scalr?

Purchases can be made via credit card for all plans. ACH is available for all Business Annual and Custom plans. Amazon Marketplace is available for all Business Annual plans.

For more detailed on information on pricing please visit our documentation.

Your costs = usage. Period.

A screenshot of the modules page in the Scalr Platform