Your costs = usage. Period.

Let us know how we can help answer any questions you may have.
Let us know how we can help. Include as much information as possible to allow us to better meet your needs.
A run is a Terraform execution (plan and/or apply). Both dry runs (that executes the plan, cost estimation, and policy phases, but not the apply) and standard runs (that actually execute a Terraform apply) count as a run.
All run minutes are pooled across the account and consumed as runs are used. Run minutes are included to ensure that we are able to build out product sustainably and prevent abuse. If you you need more than 10 minutes per run on average, we will happily work with you to ensure your needs are met.
Flex usage is any usage (run or run-minutes) that is not part of your monthly quota and that is charged at $0.99 per run/ $0.12 per run-minute.
There's nothing to worry about, you can still continue to use Scalr! Any additional Scalr run over your monthly count will be charged at the flex rate of $0.99 per run and billed at the end of your billing cycle.
There's nothing to worry about, you can still continue to use Scalr! Any additional Scalr run over your monthly count will be charged at the flex rate of $0.12 a run-minute and billed at the end of your billing cycle.
Runs executed on self-hosted runners do count towards the runs/month quota, but don't count against the run-minutes quota (ie. platform execution time on Scalr).
Purchases can be made via credit card for all plans. ACH is available for all Business Annual and Custom plans. Amazon Marketplace is available for all Business Annual plans.
For more detailed on information on pricing please visit our documentation.