October 2, 2024

Terraform Random Provider

Ryan Fee

The “random” Terraform provider, one of the more unique Terraform providers, is used to generate random values in your Terraform or OpenTofu configurations. It's particularly useful when you need unique or arbitrary values in the Terraform configuration, but don't want to hardcode them. Some use cases for using the random provider are:

  • Creating unique names for resources
  • Generating random passwords or API keys
  • Selecting random elements from a list

There are five resources that the random provider supports in the Terraform configuration:

  • random_id: Generates a random identifier
  • random_integer: Produces a random integer within a specified range
  • random_string: Creates a random string of characters
  • random_password: Generates a random password
  • random_shuffle: Randomly shuffles a list of strings
  • random_pet: Randomly generate names
  • random_uuid : Randomly generates a UUID

It’s important to note that the random values are generated during the plan phase and remain consistent across applies, unless explicitly set to regenerate through the keepers argument which is discussed later in the blog.

Set the Provider

Before doing anything, you always need to declare the provider to ensure you can pull the random resources into the Terraform run:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    random = {
      source  = "hashicorp/random"
      version = "~> 3.0"


Once the Terraform provider is set, you can start testing out the various provider resources as seen below:


The main use case for the random_id resource is to create random resource IDs, such as appending an ID to a name. This will allow you to keep a consistent naming convention:

# Define variables
variable "environment" {
  type    = string
  default = "stage"

variable "instance_type" {
  type    = string
  default = "t2.micro"

variable "ami_id" {
  type    = string
  default = "ami-09bd3f9be7c1b8217" 

# Generate a random ID
resource "random_id" "server_id" {
  keepers = {
    # Generate a new id when these values change
    ami_id        = var.ami_id
    instance_type = var.instance_type
    environment   = var.environment

  byte_length = 8

# Create an EC2 instance
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = var.ami_id
  instance_type = var.instance_type

  tags = {
    Name        = "server-${var.environment}-${random_id.server_id.hex}"
    Environment = var.environment
    some_tag    = "tag123"


The main use case for the random_integer resource is to create a random integer for testing scenarios and simulations.

resource "random_integer" "min_size" {
  min = 1
  max = 3

resource "random_integer" "max_size" {
  min = 4
  max = 6

resource "random_shuffle" "az_list" {
  input        = data.aws_subnets.default.ids
  result_count = 2

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "example" {
  name                = "example-asg"
  vpc_zone_identifier = random_shuffle.az_list.result
  min_size            = random_integer.min_size.result
  max_size            = random_integer.max_size.result
  desired_capacity    = random_integer.min_size.result


The main use case for the random_string resource is to generate random strings for input. This helps to create unique values for testing, especially useful for non-sensitive values. Sensitive values would be more appropriate for the random_password resource below.

resource "random_string" "bucket_suffix" {
  length  = 8
  special = false
  upper   = false

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = "some-example-${random_string.bucket_suffix.result}"

  tags = {
    Name        = "My bucket"
    Environment = "Dev"


The main use case for random_password is to generate random passwords or strings to improve security. Rather than relying on a human, this resource will create strong unique passwords based on the set of rules that are set:

resource "random_password" "db_password" {
  length           = 16
  special          = true
  override_special = "!#$%&*()-_=+[]{}<>:?"

resource "aws_db_instance" "default" {
  identifier        = "mydb"
  engine            = "mysql"
  engine_version    = "5.7"
  instance_class    = "db.t3.micro"
  allocated_storage = 20
  db_name  = "mydb"
  username = "admin"
  password = random_password.db_password.result

  skip_final_snapshot = true



The main use case for random_shuffle is to randomly shuffle a list of inputs. A use case for this is distributing resources across different AZs for high availability:

variable "availability_zones" {
  default = ["us-west-2a", "us-west-2b", "us-west-2c", "us-west-2d"]

resource "random_shuffle" "az_list" {
  input        = var.availability_zones
  result_count = 2

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  count             = 2
  ami               = "ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0"  # Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type
  instance_type     = "t2.micro"
  availability_zone = random_shuffle.az_list.result[count.index]


The main use case for this is to provide an easy way to generate unique, memorable names for resources without having to come up with them manually.

resource "random_pet" "bucket_name" {
  prefix = "my-unique-bucket"
  length = 4

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example" {
  bucket = random_pet.bucket_name.id

  tags = {
    Name        = "My bucket"
    Environment = "Dev"


Nothing else is needed besides the resource when using random_UUID, as it calls go-uuid to generate the UUID:

resource "random_uuid" "test" { 


By design, the values generated as part of the random provider will remain the same during every new Terraform plan and apply, unless told otherwise by a “keeper” in the configuration file. Keepers reference an attribute in the Terraform code, that if changed, will change the random value. The goal is to make the value of the random resource predictable in how it behaves. For example, you might want the name of an ec2 instance to remain the same unless the AMI, instance type, or environment type changes:

# Define variables
variable "environment" {
  type    = string
  default = "stage"

variable "instance_type" {
  type    = string
  default = "t2.micro"

variable "ami_id" {
  type    = string
  default = "ami-09bd3f9be7c1b8217"

# Generate a random ID
resource "random_id" "server_id" {
  keepers = {
    # Generate a new id when these values change
    ami_id        = var.ami_id
    instance_type = var.instance_type
    environment   = var.environment

  byte_length = 8

# Create an EC2 instance
resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = var.ami_id
  instance_type = var.instance_type

  tags = {
    Name        = "server-${var.environment}-${random_id.server_id.hex}"
    Environment = var.environment
    some_tag    = "tag123"


The random Terraform provider is a good resource to use when testing and simulation is needed. Rather than leaving it up to human error, the random provider can ensure proper values are generated based on rules. As you try out the random provider, it’s important to try out the keepers argument to see how resources change based on it.

Note: While this blog references Terraform, everything mentioned in here also applies to OpenTofu. New to OpenTofu? It is a fork of Terraform 1.5.7 as a result of the license change from MPL to BUSL by HashiCorp. OpenTofu is an open-source alternative to Terraform that is governed by the Linux Foundation. All features available in Terraform 1.5.7 or earlier are also available in OpenTofu. Find out the history of OpenTofu here.

Start using the OpenTofu & Terraform platform of the future.

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